At long last some crisp, clear bright winter weather. It was too tempting to resist, so yesterday I downed tools and decided to go for a walk. I didn't have a lot of time to spare so I headed for The Whangie and Auchineden Hill. This is an old favourite of mine and is only about 10 minutes drive away from Bearsden in the north of Glasgow.
Parking at the Queens View just off the main road to Drymen the short walk to the Whangie and then up to Auchineden Hill gives superb views of the Campsies, Loch Lomond and the Southern Highlands. And of course, the chance to explore the bizarre rock formations of the Whangie itself.
I've written about this walk before as it's particularly suitable and interesting for children. Being on my own yesterday I had more of a chance to explore and also to take some video which I hope to post shortly.The Whangie is easily accessed from the car park along a path skirting under Auchineden Hill. It's a long cleft of rock that was split by a glacier at the side of the hill creating a pretty spectacular effect. Its got lots of easy scrambling opportunities and has great views up to Loch Lomond.
The other explanation for the rock formation is that it was created by a swish of the devils tail! Apparantly he had been meeting with some witches and warlocks and when he departed to another meeting in Dumbarton, his tail whisked the side of Auchineden hill shearing the rock.
It was a great walk and well worth doing.
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